About The Friends of Pasadena Public Library

Our mission is to support the library’s programs, special services and cultural events. Priority is given to projects that instill the excitement of discovery and the love of reading in library patrons of all ages.

For half a century, the Friends of the Pasadena Public Library have tirelessly championed the cause of literacy and learning, infusing our vibrant community with a passion for books and knowledge. With unwavering dedication, we have been the driving force behind numerous enriching programs and essential services, igniting curiosity and fostering a love of reading in every corner of our beautiful city.

As we celebrate our 50th anniversary, we extend a heartfelt invitation to you to join us in our ongoing mission. Together, let’s continue to pave the way for innovative approaches to engaging readers, advocate tirelessly for the full funding of our libraries, and nurture a culture of exploration and discovery that transcends generations in 21st century Pasadena.

Want to help? Become a member of The Friends by making an annual membership donation.

2024-2025 Board of Directors

Janice Segall, President
Theresa Doran, 1st Vice-President
Timothy Still, 2nd Vice-President
Kathy Wimmer, Treasurer
Marilee Tobin, Recording Secretary
Sharon Calkin, Corresponding Secretary

The Friends of the Pasadena Public Library

285 E. Walnut Street
Pasadena, CA 91101

Email: friendsppl@gmail.com

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